December 19, 2010

The 2 Matt's in my life.

Oh I just remember. A week today was the time when Matt Cardle won the X-Factor 2010 :)
I dont know him literally, but whenever he sings he melts my heart. He has the most beautiful voive and Oh my days, that face is heaven. He is so handsome. The first time I saw him perform during the auditiona, I remember saying to myself - "Im defo watching X-Factor this year!" I am so proud of him and he deserved to win. He was absolutely fantastic. A bit sad? Yeah! Obssessed? Just a tad :)

Well another reason why I really loved him was because he reminded me soo much of my best friend from way way back. He is also called Matt. He was also a very good singer. He sings to me over the phone when Im like loosing my will to live because I am so drowned with problems. Then everything will be perfect again.
Technically, He is also one of the reasons why Ive taken more interest into writing Blogs. Whenever he sees me around school in the Library Im always there typing my heart and soul away into this stupid website nobody gets to see apart from him.

Matt: Hey up my little Miss Writer! Let me guess.. Blogging?
Me: Yeahh... *shy*
Matt: Let's have a read..
Me: NNOOOO! Go away.
Matt: Please? *that puppy dog eyes face!*
Matt: Right.. you spelt "Loser" wrong.. again! You missed a full stop there... HAHA!
Me: Oh not this again :(
Matt: However.. Your life is so interesting. :)

Aww, Im not going to write much more cause I know I might just end up crying.

Hey buddy,

I know I promised that I would write on my Diary everyday for you to read and let you know what you have been missing. I also promised that I would carry on blogging for you to check if my spelling's right if I have missed any full stops, whatsoever. But it's kinda difficult at times. Especially thinking that you're not actually going to be there anymore to read and to correct it.
If I told you how much I was missing you, and how much it hurts not having you around all the time, you'd probably tell me to shut up and stop being such a wuss. So I won't :) I'll just say thank you, for being the best friend/fake brother/body guard anyone could ever ask for. For always knowing just what to... say and caring for everyone like you did. Will never forget some of the times we had, you crazy fool :) You'll always be with me Matt no matter what, and the little things we used to laugh at throughout the day will never fade. Still can’t believe you’re gone and would give ANYTHING to have you back, but I know you’re doing jusssst fine. Oh and guess what, I'm actually getting some work done in lessons :]
I know im always running to you whenever time gets a little rough. And you never fail to help me from up there. Even my mum misses you! Whenever I hear the song "Use Somebody" I think - "Hey, he's with me right now"  2 years on the 23rd now Matt. Prob's why it just hit me the fact that youve gone forever and never coming back. But you will always be with me.
I miss you very much.
Love you, always always.

R.I.P - Matthew John Mayer - 23/12/08

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